Fresh Habits

Create Fresh Habits That Last A Lifetime

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Hi, I’m Holly

I’m a wife and mom, business owner, and wellness-lover who is doing my very best to juggle all of these areas of my life at once. Over the past 40 some years, I’ve faced many challenges and transitions, and I’m still learning everyday what wellness looks like for me.

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Areas of Expertise



Most people have no idea how amazing their body is designed to feel, and my goal is to help you understand your body inside out. I strongly believe that the first step in creating a healthy lifestyle begins with nutrition and always starts in the kitchen.


Exercise is a celebration for what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate. I help you understand where your body is currently at, where you want to be, and most importantly, how you want to feel!

Schedule & Time Management

The world runs on time and it’s never guaranteed. If you struggle to manage your schedule and make time for the things that matter in your life, working with a coach will be a great support.



Did you know, it is estimated that the average person has between 12,000 and 70,000 thoughts each day, often mindless and repetitive? And whether you realize it or not, you are already creating your reality through the thoughts you are choosing.

Ready to connect?
